Adventures of a young entrepreneur #1

Chapter 1: The beginning.
Paul Ducky, as our hero is to be known from now on, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Nor was he educated in the most exclusive private schools and universities.
As the photo demonstrates, he spent the first years of his life in the jungles of south America, in the company of revolutionary leaders such as Che Guevara (who was kind enough to let him have his T-shirt as an homage to their close friendship).
There, he devoted himself to living in close communication with all creatures of nature, learning to play the guitar (as well as various other musical instruments), and reading the works of all major philosophers of the world.
He actively participated in the revolutionary struggles of the oppressed local people, formed his own revolutionary ideas, and wrote the first version of his freedom manifesto.
That's where it all started, many years ago...
(to be cont/d)
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