A week or so ago, I saw some papers scattered in the street. As a teacher, I’m always eagle-eyed for σκονάκια (cheat sheets): these papers had the characteristically condensed wordage, no white or wasted space, and not one word that seemed desultory or disposable. I picked one up. I love to see what the kids are studying. It wasn’t what I thought.

(click thumbnails to see details)
I was red-haired. I had nice teeth, and a thousand. I can make out quite a few words, but none of them make any sense. There are many misspellings and no punctuation of any kind. The name that traverses the photo, at least, seems to be Anna Raptaki.

(actual paper size 10x10 cm, approx.)
I thought they were photocopies, some kind of self-promotion -- an ad for her art, perhaps, or a cry for help (“I’m a Serb with four sick children...”). I tried for a long time to make heads or tails of it. What at first glance seemed so orderly and controlled is actually impenetrable, indecipherable. Again, it wasn’t what I thought.

I picked up one more on some other street. I realized then that they were not photocopies; each one is hand-written and hand-cut, meticulously, obsessively, but not exactly unique. Some of the ravings that appear on the one appear on the other.

I can’t understand much about this woman: who she is, what she wants, the exact nature of her communication. I find myself increasingly awed by her, touched, and disturbed.

(click thumbnails to see details)
I was red-haired. I had nice teeth, and a thousand. I can make out quite a few words, but none of them make any sense. There are many misspellings and no punctuation of any kind. The name that traverses the photo, at least, seems to be Anna Raptaki.

(actual paper size 10x10 cm, approx.)
I thought they were photocopies, some kind of self-promotion -- an ad for her art, perhaps, or a cry for help (“I’m a Serb with four sick children...”). I tried for a long time to make heads or tails of it. What at first glance seemed so orderly and controlled is actually impenetrable, indecipherable. Again, it wasn’t what I thought.

I picked up one more on some other street. I realized then that they were not photocopies; each one is hand-written and hand-cut, meticulously, obsessively, but not exactly unique. Some of the ravings that appear on the one appear on the other.

I can’t understand much about this woman: who she is, what she wants, the exact nature of her communication. I find myself increasingly awed by her, touched, and disturbed.
I know this is not a propper thing to say, i know how it feels to accidently peek into someone else's existence (i had my share of found papers on the street in the past) i'm sure that that's not the right thing to do (making jokes about someone's life that you completely ignore)but the Beavis (or is it butthead?) in me can't stop thinking that this woman would probably be an ace blogger -her ramblings make much more sense that many of the blogs i happen upon every day...
I know I'm a terrible person (sometimes) but I HAD to write this...
apart from that,
i feel the same as you: fascinated and awed and a little bit disturbed by her writings, i've been trying to read them for half an hour and the fact that you can only make bits and pieces out it makes wanna try harder...
άννα ραπτάκη τσαγκαράκη "ήμουνα λίγο μελαχρινή"...
So it is art, isn't it? By almost any definition. And I agree, not much different from what most of us do around here.
You did a better job with the name than I did. But I guess we're about even on the rest. It's so compelling, but ultimately impossible.
Ah, and while I'm here, thanks go to Steph for the thumbs.
Άννα Ραπτάκη Τσαγκαράκη (το δεύτερο επίθετο)
αν είχα τα χαρτιά στα χέρια μου θα είχα κολλήσει άσχημα... κάτι για χρονομηχανή είδα κάπου ότι λέει... ευτυχώς με μερικά κλικ έκλεισα τις εικόνες και γλίτωσα... προς το παρόν...
The audience has become the author. Maybe she’s gone off the deep end. Maybe everything is as it should be.
Something makes me want to believe this indicates something. Like a key to something bigger, more awesome, more disturbing. Or just my little, annoying habit of looking without having lost.
I read yesterday: a good sentence is key.
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