
Mr. Bensah’s post on the eclipse is not to be eclipsed. It’s got all the drama and the awe that I couldn’t really muster when I managed to see it (just for a few seconds -- my glasses, with which I really enjoyed the last eclipse, having expired, oh, six years ago). We had 95% coverage here in Crete, and the eclipse took place just before 2 p.m.
I still want to take a minimalist approach, so I’ll just quote my mom (via email) since she always has something to say: “Did you see the eclipse? We saw pictures and it looked as if it was ‘near’ you. It is still inspiring, even if all the superstitions are known to be silly!”
"drama and awe"--that's all Greek to me:-)) No pun intended;-))
Incidentally, I appreciate the superlative comments--a great boost, but, hey, your post ain't half bad either!;-)
Small question: your images below and above have gone seriously wonky:-(
Uh... where's the question? I guess the real question is what's wonky about the pics? They look fine to me. Well, thanks for the compliment -- let's do that again sometime.
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