
love cookie, intact
The southern winds have finally subsided. They kept me in last night, and up the night before; for a time, I dreamed of flying -- while they filled the sky and every available space with a dirty drab fog, dry and thick, not a cloud but a desert, of sand and dust from Africa. They blew all the way to Athens. These winds bring headaches and dysphoria. My lovely Georgian student showed up with her soft pink lipstick caked in black particles. She had to wipe her mouth before the lesson. On her spelling test, she confused all her a’s and e’s.
The winds alone are bad enough, but they coincided this time with a sanitation strike. Stinking, unattended mounds of trash and filth were piling up on every corner; the tourists downtown had to adopt a contortionist’s pose, to angle their cameras away from the blight. The wind picked up, and picked up whatever it could find -- outside the supermarket, a large piece of cardboard sailed up from the sidewalk and slapped an old woman in the face. Everyone tripped along over plastic bottles and bags; they ran, rushed by the wind, blinded by it and wild masses of their own hair.
I’ll sweep my balconies today, shake the dust from my laundry, or re-wash. The streets will take longer; right now, in such a state, it seems they will never be clean. But a little water does wonders. A strike can’t last forever. We move on. We leave the bad behind us.
Ah, those a’s and e’s... terrible!
PS. Do you think we should tell Elsa? (more a's and e's there...)
that darn schwa...
Well, that's what I used to think, but a quick google search (I'm fast) revealed that many a musical artist have been influenced by this sound, in one way or another.
Take for instance this excellent album cover by the (unfortunately extinct) group "Schwa".
Or listen to some of the inspired Jazz tracks by Jae Sinnett, produced by Schwa Records (my personal favorite is #8: "Heading South").
And finally here's one you might find interesting (well, maybe scary is the right word): "Schwa and the Mr. X Quartet". Could it be?! Nah...
Oh, and I almost forgot. Leaving the bad behind is a good thing. Always.
PS. I've got one of those too.
Mr. X gets around, doesn't he? (Very scary!) Ah, and I forgot to tell you about that "thing of beauty" he wanted to show Maria...
Turns out the strike will go on for another 24 hours, which is really bad because... the people took your advice, and left a LOT of bad stuff behind, in the streets. Pif.
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