(do not) think pink

About a month ago, I went to my doctor for a check-up. He squirted my belly, started poking around with his pointy ultrasound probe, and asked me, “Have we said anything about the sex?” I was alone (but I’m always alone) and I panicked a little. “Don’t tell me!” I shouted, but of course, I couldn’t drop it there.
“Did you see something?” I asked.
“I supect something,” he said.
“If you saw something, it must be a boy,” I said. And at that moment, I was sure it was a boy, despite the doctor’s delayed but diplomatic response.
“Oh no,” said Steph, when I told him later, ever the supportive friend. Everybody wanted a girl.
I decided to wait two weeks, til after Easter, when a more advanced ultrasound would show the sex for sure (and all the other organs, which were of much more interest to the doctors). I bought that time -- to think about boys, and disappointments, and names.
And it’s a girl. Healthy, long-legged, strong-willed. A sound sleeper. I want her dressed in white.
When I went back to my regular doctor, to proudly confirm what he already knew, he (uncannily) confirmed something that I already knew, something I had even written, in a declaratory email or two.
“Deep down,” he said, “everybody wants a girl.”
You should have seen my smile when I was saying that "oh no"...
I just wanted it to be a girl... what's wrong with that :-)?
And I was smiling when I heard it.
Now you (and we) know.
I like the idea of all white... like a blank piece of paper waiting for a life story to be written up on it.
sissoula, so sorry it's been so long:-(
CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! You're pregnant..am so happy for you...how many months now?
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