red tape cont'd

glass doors, mosaic floors
One of the many things the Ministry of Defense wants from me (in two languages and six copies, thank you very much) is my criminal record. So I call the embassy to ask how to go about getting my criminal record. It sounded so ridiculous coming out of my mouth that way, since, in all honesty, I have no criminal record. A very helpful person tells me that all I have to do is “send my fingerprints and $18 to the FBI.”
Who knew the feds would be involved? I just want to buy a house. But now I know, if I didn't before, that there’s no way I can do everything that needs to be done in time to get my name on the contract. I’m okay with that.
Work on the house continues. The move has been set for August 25.
Yesterday I set off with my new cartoon haircut to find the office for my insurance papers. I found the address, but not the building. I called for help and got yelled at. I walked up and down that shadeless street 9,000 times. I ended up in tears feeling like the saddest pregnant person in the world.
Today I’m okay with that too.
a criminal record, FBI, WTF?!! R u sure you're not in an Orwellian world?
sorry:-( I thought Belgium excelled in red-tapism--but Greece?
Hey Mr. B! You understood it all too well. Greece excels at this kind of thing, actually, especially if you live in the "peripheries." It sounds simple enough to send my fingerprints and $18 to the FBI, but what I didn't mention is that, in order to get an offical fingerprint record, I probably have to make a trip to a specific police station in Athens. In other circumstances I would have been thrilled at the excuse to visit the capital city, but now, I'm just annoyed at all the extra hoops and delays. Not that it matters. The contract (the pre-contract) has been signed, without me.
That sounds like a real pain the the ass. Good luck!
ouch:-( all-too-tedious:-(
and we keep trying harder to stay at the top of greatest red-taped country in the world ... there is too much competition i tell you
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