Long weekends
That's what I've been doing this summer, in lieu of vacations.
I was invited to an American-style wedding reception thing. It was ok, but loaded with romantic, unbearably romantic, endlessly romantic speeches. I kind of hate speeches, romantic ones in particular. They make me feel embarrassed, like I am not supposed to be listening. I think these sorts of things should only concern one person, max two. Not an entire crowd going "awww..." at the mention of her adoring eyes, or his supportive shoulders, or whatever other part of their anatomy may do the trick. But hey, what can you do...
Anyway, as I said, it was ok. If they had done the "speak now or forever hold your silence" thing it would have been even better. Or maybe they did and I missed it while ordering another vodka tonic.
The highlight, though, was this guy:

This guy is actually the son of musician Jean-Michel Jarre, and grandson of also-musician Maurice Jarre! And he's a magician! I mean how much cooler can you get?! He was really nice...
I spent a big part of the next day observing Artemis' vampire teeth:

Then there was windsurfing, on Sunday. I applied everything I learnt from that DVD I borrowed:

"...a must-have DVD for anyone who dreams of carving smooth, consistent, planing jibes!", it says. Yes, I have dreamt of carving smooth, consistent, planing jibes. I still dream of it cause I'm not there yet, but I did great progress. Turns out step 11 was the one to watch out for.
And the weekend ended with the appearance of a strangely familiar face:
I was invited to an American-style wedding reception thing. It was ok, but loaded with romantic, unbearably romantic, endlessly romantic speeches. I kind of hate speeches, romantic ones in particular. They make me feel embarrassed, like I am not supposed to be listening. I think these sorts of things should only concern one person, max two. Not an entire crowd going "awww..." at the mention of her adoring eyes, or his supportive shoulders, or whatever other part of their anatomy may do the trick. But hey, what can you do...
Anyway, as I said, it was ok. If they had done the "speak now or forever hold your silence" thing it would have been even better. Or maybe they did and I missed it while ordering another vodka tonic.
The highlight, though, was this guy:

This guy is actually the son of musician Jean-Michel Jarre, and grandson of also-musician Maurice Jarre! And he's a magician! I mean how much cooler can you get?! He was really nice...
I spent a big part of the next day observing Artemis' vampire teeth:

Then there was windsurfing, on Sunday. I applied everything I learnt from that DVD I borrowed:

"...a must-have DVD for anyone who dreams of carving smooth, consistent, planing jibes!", it says. Yes, I have dreamt of carving smooth, consistent, planing jibes. I still dream of it cause I'm not there yet, but I did great progress. Turns out step 11 was the one to watch out for.
And the weekend ended with the appearance of a strangely familiar face:

Hey you. Believe me, the love stuff works better with two than one, but even then, it's nice to have an audience. Great pics, as always. I love Artemis to pieces. (And get ready, because you know I'm going to tag you.)
Stephan-was that God, btw? Did he become "one of us" (a la Joanne Osbourne) for that day, by visiting, by way of the clouds? Did he say anything to you?
He looks too fat to be a God. He said go home or get wet, but he was wrong, it never rained.
I love how he calls you Stephan.
I'm not even sure where "Stephan" came from?:-S Silly me!! POint of correction: you mean a "god", with a small "g", surely?;-))
Hope ur doing well?
Stephan is close enough. Add an operating system to it and you nailed it!
As for (G/g)od, I don't know. But I was expecting you to comment on the "a", before the "god". There's at least 12...
I'm ok-ish, thanks... Hope you are doing well too!
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