A technician came to install something. He did it all wrong. Another technician came the next day to fix it. He fixed it in some respects and made it worse in others. A lot of phone calls were made. The salesman came and offered to pay out of his own pocket for whatever else needed to be bought to make it operable. So many patches, each one uglier and more visible. The thing is, once your faith in a company is gone, it’s usually gone for good. The president agreed to take the whole thing back, repair the damage, and refund the money. I’m waiting again for the technicians to come. They didn’t come on time when we were paying customers. I know they won’t come on time now.
Everything is so hard here, I told my fellow expat friend. It’s not about being “here,” she said.
The same rainbow appeared to me twice this morning, once in the sky and once in my email.

Everything is so hard here, I told my fellow expat friend. It’s not about being “here,” she said.
The same rainbow appeared to me twice this morning, once in the sky and once in my email.

Yes, of course there are obnoxious people and bad experiences anywhere. My husband has this delusion that there will be no traffic or stupid drivers in Sweden and thus, duh, we should move there. But that doesn't mean it's not annoying or attributable to geography when things do go wrong. Sucks, sorry.
He complains about American drivers? That's hilarious! When you move to Sweden, you'll have to vacation in Greece, just to put things in perspective. (And to meet the buka!)
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