Flirtation with a Handkerchief

I read online...:
"On a cold damp Dallas sidewalk in the Fall of 2001, several boxes of old books were rescued from the steel jaws of a trash truck. Found inside one of these boxes was an old dusty ledger. The ledger contains entries signed by a "Capt. W.B. Blair", San Antonio, Texas, covering the years 1856-1858.
Approximately one third of the pages in this ledger are covered by newspaper articles dating between 1866 and 1871."
Page 172 had this attached to it:
Flirtation with a Handkerchief
The Philadelphia Star, after discussing the language of the fan, thus gives the "vocabulary" of Handkerchief:
Drawing across the lips - Desirous of acquaintance.
Drawing across the eye - I am sorry.
Taking it by the center - You are too willing.
Dropping - We will be friends.
Twirling it both hands - Indifference.
Drawing across the cheek - I love you
Drawing through the hands - I hate you.
Letting it rest on your right cheek - Yes.
Letting it rest on your left cheek - No.
Twisting it in the left hand - I want to get rid of you
Twisting it in the right hand - I love another
Folding it - I wish to speak with you
Over the shoulder - Follow me.
Opposite corners in both hands - Wait for me.
Drawing across the forehead - We are not being watched
Placing on the right ear - You have changed.
Letting it remain on the eyes - You are cruel
Winding around the for finger - I am engaged
Winding around the third finger - I am married
Putting it the pocket - No more at present
I know someone that this may appeal to, for more than one reason...
How nice it must have been to know what everything means.
ah, the good ole days!
sissoula, your comment said it all in just two lines...
ferdinand saussure, so much to answer for...
i think i have to go write another song...
waves handkerchief adieu...
"expressing emotions in the age of kleenex: a how to guide"
I see the need of a book here...
hate to take away from the romance, but a realist view is essential, what about wiping sweat and blowing nose?
Not so sure about saussure, boyracer...
that's the thing
you can never be so sure...
Flirtation can be just as practical a matter as blowing one's nose, depending on the context.
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