obscene cheese

I post this picture -- an admittedly vulgar and gratuitous deviation from our blog's heretofore solidly established standard of decency -- in solemn observation of the fact that, a mere three months and ten days after its purchase, the above Metsovone cheese has been consumed in its (insert any number of apposite adjectives here) entirety.
Plane crashes, assumptions (of the Virgin and others). There are more serious things to write about than cheese.
There are more serious things to write about than cheese.
Hey, this cheese looks pretty serious (and dangerous!)
oh my...
Leave the serious writing to the newspapers, this is why we have blogs! you both write really well and I enjoy reading it very much. cheers, My Side.
You didn't share. Write about that.
I didn't share what? The cheese? Many a mouth has enjoyed that cheese. Trust me, I shared!
And that's how they do it in Metsovo.
There isn't much perspective in the pic, but in its original uncut state, that big, stout, manly cheese barely fit lengthwise on the refrigerator shelf. (You guys didn't help me much with adjectives.) Oh my indeed.
Okay, well, then... good.
Your blog is oh so quintessentially quaint:-) It just struck me about this line you wrote:
an admittedly vulgar and gratuitous deviation from our blog's heretofore solidly established standard of decency
Do you realise how many years of school you had to go to to be able to pull that statement off in one go without re-reading?
Yes, didn't I say I was "eccentric"?
On a serious note, there's a freshness about the way you wrote which makes me come back. Thanks for your contribution...
toodle pip!
The distance so short between exquisite and quaint... but fresh, like mountain air...
profound is sexy;-)
Hey, enough with this cheese thing already...
Get over it, move on...
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