Thursday, February 02, 2006


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half trees

I’ve had this feeling lately that I owe the blog. I admit I haven’t given it much. I took a few weeks off, and then came back with nothing but a few minimal retrospectives. I haven’t written anything about what’s really happening, and it’s not because things aren’t happening. I don’t think anybody cares what I have for breakfast in the morning or how long I have to wait in the post office, but I don’t want this blog, my part of it anyway, to get so detached and impersonal that it’s not even me anymore.

So I just want to be clear about this: there is one thing. The rest of life goes on, as it always has and will, but it’s all secondary to me now. It’s not that I can’t see the forest for the trees. I see it, but it just doesn’t matter so much anymore. For me, now, there is only one thing.

Unfortunately, it’s not something I can talk about widely. It falls under internal affairs, and in any case, it’s still in the research and development stage.

I don’t want February to be another January. I will write. I can’t say how well or how much; the content may lack a little conviction. I say all of this by way of explanation. It’s not an excuse.


Blogger Lu and Lochie the Wonder Dog said...

When the Ministry of Internal Affairs next wishes to issue a departmental media release we will continue to read (as we always do) with much interest!

1:05 PM  
Blogger soap said...

Wow, an excellent word indeed, and one I might never have known without you. Thanks for that.

...although I think what's happening in my case is actually more the opposite concept: sth strange that I have to incorporate into my life as if it's perfectly normal. Maybe, eventually, it will be, and then I will have my chance to ostranenie it.

By then, none of this will be a secret.

10:54 AM  

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