turning point

a preferable breech
The house may not be on schedule, but the buka’s doing just fine. We’re at 36 weeks and change. I had been worried because, the last two doctor visits, she was upside-down, ie. right side up, her head under one breast, her butt under the other, and her long legs hanging down along my left side. The doctor said if she stayed in that position, I’d have to undergo a c-section two weeks before my due date. I’m neutral about the possibility of a c-section. I don’t think any woman can afford to be against it on principal, but neither would I choose it as a matter of convenience. Politics aside, I need all the time I can get; as I said, we’re cutting it close on the house.
I was really worried about that silly upside-down buka of mine, and of course I started looking inward for something to blame; I thought all my topsy-turvy emotions had her disoriented too.
And then a friend put a different spin on it for me. Maybe she likes to do things her own way, he said, a bit like her mum? And just like that, it all made sense. I was proud of the buka, her logic, her spunk.
I was equally happy to find out, yesterday, that she has in fact turned. She’s heading south, like a good baby should. And guess what -- she's upside-down and right side up! I know she’s going to keep me guessing, but I sense a cooperative spirit between us. We have an understanding.
Good luck in the final countdown to buka birthday. And may the spirit of co-operation continue!
Thanks so much. But don't start counting down quite yet! We've got things to do...
And I was just thinking that the time must be getting near and lo and behold, you confirm that it is! This is so exciting. Are you ready? Is it possible to be ready?
Sarah, I love the new headshot! It was about time, wasn't it? Well, I think you're right -- one never feels ready for the big stuff, but somehow it happens and... then there's no longer a difference between being ready or not ready.
(At least I hope not, because the truth is, right now I have no idea where I fall on that continuum.)
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