contradictory desires

prostrate priests
I have a friend who wants to take on Rome.
In short, she wants to become a priest, a particularly Catholic priest. This came to her recently, when her life of mild but fervent conviction was spectacularly consummated by a revelation in light one Sunday, Jesus himself in the Eucharist. Catholics take these things literally; betraying that revelation in order to serve God in another church, under the banner of another faith, would be contradictory, she says, because that revelation is what sealed the deal between her and God. It’s a Catholic thing.
But there are other deals that have to be worked out first, because God made her a woman, and a wife, and a mother. She imagines a day when the popes will change, women will be ordained, her husband will die (he is significantly older than she is) or failing that, celibacy among priests will be made optional. By then, her son will be in college, and she will be free to obey God’s calling and become a priest. He wants it of her.
Meanwhile, she spends more time with her priest than her husband, a man closer to her in age and (obviously) theological disposition -- so much more time that he, her priest, her counselor, her friend (her best friend, she says), was involuntarily transferred to a distant parish, in order to dispel some of the rumors that still encircle them. There are phone calls, though, lengthy, secret ones that her husband is not aware of. There must be lies as well.
She admits that what God wants, the direction that God is urging her to go, doesn’t match her life on the whole. She lives in a contradictory world, appreciative of what she’s got, but unfulfilled.
"Yes, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. A pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that!"
Stewie Griffin
PS. I bet there's a million metaphors in there, but it's neither the time nor the place...
PPS. You understand of course that if there actually were a God, he'd be like: "What the fuck??!!!"
PPPS. Seriously now, tell her to get some help...
I think I am with Steph on this. And I agree with loxias that it is a wondeful post--very well-written, as per usual:-)
This woman is a wife, mother, etc, and she gets a vision, right? Bound to cause some serious friction, but one has to admit that even though God may be calling her, He would not want her to shirk her responsibilities.
I am tempted to say "lesser of the two evils", but there is no evil here, except that which will cause aa break-up of the family. That's the real evil, in my eyes. God would understand if she refrained from making secret phone calls to this guy, just because he is encouraging her, also, to turn to God.
Because very soon, a pretext becomes very easy to justify what could eventuate into an affair...
Am I making any sense??
The evil here is the church; any church, any kind of organised religious institution, that for whatever power / business / financial / political influence reasons leads poor, misguided fools to do stupid things and throw away their lives.
If her "priest" was half-decent, he would tell her "You know what, if you see any crazy stuff like that again go get your head examined, otherwise forget all about it."
PS. Of course the writing is beautiful, it goes without saying. Did you notice that tick-tock-tick thing...?
The writing is beautiful because the story is.
story? writer!
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