top 10 things I love about the buka

1. her kicky kicky feet
2. her funny soft hair, golden in the sun
3. her operatic hand gestures, impassioned, if arbitrary
4. her sneezes in groups of two or three (just like some guy I know)
5. her world-class burps
6. her squeaky-squirrely wake-up sounds
7. her expressive lips, sometimes so tiny a button; other times so wide, so sensuous, so close to a smile
8. her salty sweet breath, expelled in a yawn
9. that thing she does that mom and I call “looking all around”
10. her emotions, right on the surface and apt to change. She either likes sth --
witness her exquisite, face-tearing, eye-pulling pleasure when she finds her thumb:

-- or she doesn’t.

She hated that.
hello. ventured here via shradha. delightful. :)
She is lovely, lovely, lovely. That's a great description, the "operatic hand gestures".
She's beautiful Sissoula
Well, thanks again. But aren't they all?
how do you handle so much beauty, such love?
It's so easy, until you have to share.
sissoula, please forgive my mischief...but a beautiful FEMALE baby in a BLUE-looking crib?;-) Might she not turn out to be a tomboy?;-))
Or prime minister!
She's beautiful; and she has your yfos.
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