Word From Sun Ra

[From Amiri Baraka's self-published Razor.]
“You on the Space Ship Earth
& you outward bound
destination unknown.
But you haven't met the Captain
Of the space ship yet!"
Like the Dr. sd, suppose you actually believed
In God - but you don't....aint no reason to, mammy jammy
Don't exist-but suppose you actually believed
And therefore didn't understand that aint nobody
At the controls of this number...and them suckers
With the guns, is fighting to see who gonna be in charge
Of the crash!
If you was Shine, you would laugh
Cause you remember the real Titanic
And how them drowning ghosts
Was screaming your name
As you predicted Michael Jordan
With your Thelonius back stroke
From the Antarctic to Harlem River Drive.
But if you aint Shine, and don’t understand
That this space ship is a disaster gonna waste
Almost everybody in the sky sea and land
What can I say, and if I did say something
What wd it sound like to you and the ghost
And the deeply ill this explosion will kill
Say this, to answer that. . . .Aint much time
And Shine done sang his song. But you got
Any Sun Ra records or DuBois books?
You gon die
With the murderers
& crooks.
not quite byzantine, but certainly complex, ecclectic
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