first word?

We think the buka has said her first word. It’s not mama or dada or any of the usual stuff. Nope. The buka is so mixed up with languages, it would have to be the one word that her American mother, Greek father, and Bulgarian babysitter all have in common and use often, with equal enthusisam. She says a-oh. But you know what it is?
What, you don't count "a-oh" as a real first word? I totally did. :) Brava for the little lady!
Mine still has no idea who I am, but has started saying "Da" when she sees her father. But she also says it when she sees or hears a dog, so I am not that jealous.
That must be because she hears the word so often. Repetition is the key.
I'd count it if it was uh-oh, but the context isn't right for that -- she does it when things go right, not wrong! Sometimes I feel mine doesn't know me either, and I think she must see me more like furniture than a person, but there are moments, many, when her face lights up, and she tells me exactly who I am to her. I'm sure yours does too, even if she doesn't know what to call you yet.
Tom, the repetition was exactly my point: it's the only word we all use and pronounce the same way. I doubt she even knows her name as well, since I can't seem to stop calling her boo.
Bravo? That's charming! I'm glad you actually know what her first word was - it's Poppy's 11th b'day today and I have no idea what her first word was. I think I was unconscious for about 5 years when they were little.
Btw, she's so beautiful. The light in that picture is gorgeous. Is that "Greek" light? People rave about Italian light, but it looks to me that you have some very fine light yourselves. Soon we're going to have almost no light here at all, solstice and whatnot.
Ah, but you didn't have a blog then!
The lighting in that pic is half natural and half artificial, but yes, Greek light has an astounding and singular beauty. (I can say that because I've never been to Italy.) I wish we could send some your way, but we're losing daylight too, every day a little more. They say it will even rain today, which, more than the loss of light, means summer's on its way out and winter's heading in.
I forgot that Poppy had a September birthday! BEST, best wishes to your lovely girl.
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